Data processing controller GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS
Parent Company
Industrial Farmacéutica Cantabria, S.A.
Fiscal Identification Code: A39000914
Address: Ctra. Cazoña Adarzo, s/n, 39011, Santander, Cantabria
Central services address: Calle Arequipa, 1, 5a pl. – 28043 Madrid
Inscribed in the Mercantile Register of Cantabria: Corporate Registry Book 22, Page 105, Sheet 1151, 1st inscription
[email protected]
Other companies that form part of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS
Baruma, S.L.
C/ Arequipa, 1, Madrid
Fiscal Identification Code: B80592413
Dunar, Srl
C/Pirita, 9 torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid
Fiscal Identification Code: B81045692
Av/ Cardenal Herrera Oria, 95, Santander, Cantabria
Fiscal Identification Code: B839772488
In accordance with the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and any other relevant and currently applicable legislation, the user is informed that the personal data provided, where applicable, are incorporated into an automatic file, which shall be used only for the purposes described in the pertinent form or contract.
Data corresponding to persons of contact via the contact form
Your personal data provided in the existing form, shall be used solely to resolve the query detailed in the form and shall not be transferred to third parties, except to other companies of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, in the event that your consultation requires such communication and exclusively for that purpose. Furthermore, we inform you that the personal data shall remain in the files of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS for one year.
Data regarding clients, outsourcers or subscribers
If you have provided your data as contact person of a client or supplier company or as individual businessperson, whether as client or as supplier of any company that forms part of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, we hereby inform you that GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS shall use the data solely for maintaining the contractual relationship and shall not release them to third parties, save for companies of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, and only in the event that the service requires such communication and solely for that purpose. The data provided shall be stored whilst the contractual relationship remains enduring or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. Furthermore, we inform you that as client or supplier of any of the companies of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, they may send you business information via the means that you provided, including email, based on the legitimate interest regulated by the EU REGULATION (UE) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Data regarding candidates
If you have provided your data to any of the companies that form GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS as a potential candidate to form part of any of the group companies, we inform you that GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS shall use the data solely and exclusively to manage your application to any of the vacant positions that may exist in any of the group companies, and they shall not be released to third parties, except for the companies of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, and only in the event that your profile fits any of the group companies and solely for that purpose. The data provided shall be stored for one year.
Claims / Complaints
If you have filed any complaint or claim to any of the companies that form GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, we inform you that the data shall be used exclusively to resolve your claim. This shall not be released to third parties, save for the companies of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, and only in the case that the claim requires such communication and solely for that purpose. The data provided shall be stored during the necessary period of time in compliance with legal obligations, whilst the object of your claim has not been prescribed.
Marketing and business mail
If you have registered to receive any newsletter or the despatch of commercial information on behalf of any of the companies that form part of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS we hereby inform you that the data shall be used with the sole purpose of keeping you informed of their activity. We inform you that GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS may send you information on any of its companies, if it is deemed that the information could be of interest to you and provided that it is related with relevant products or services. We inform you that the legal basis for the legality in the processing of data for this purpose is only the legitimate interest of the companies that form GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS. Furthermore, we inform you that you may access your personal data, rectify inaccurate details, request their deletion, processing restriction, transferability or opposition to the processing of the data for the intended purposes at any time by sending an email to [email protected]. We inform you that GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS shall store your data whilst the business or contractual relationship endures and while not indicating to GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS your desire to stop receiving commercial information. .
Suspected adverse reaction surveillance
If you have submitted or wish to submit any claim in the event of a suspected adverse reaction to a product of any company of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, you must do so by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling the number +34 617 483 070. In accordance with healthcare regulations and data protection, the personal data provided shall be processed confidentially and wherever possible shall be anonymous or dissociated by GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, however, it is possible that your details regarding the adverse reactions indicated are reported to the healthcare authorities for the follow-up thereof. The data provided shall be stored for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations and whilst the object of your claim has not been prescribed. We inform you that any company of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS shall keep your personal data confidential and shall only use identifying data to contact you if necessary. GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS may have to process your health-related data according to the reaction suffered, wherefore, you must expressly consent to the processing of your data especially protected for the indicated purposes.
Exercise of rights common to all personal data
You have the right to obtain confirmation on whether any company of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS is processing your personal data, therefore, you may at any time access your personal data, rectify inaccurate details, request their deletion, processing restriction, portability or opposition to data processing with the purposes outlined. .
You can write to:
Att. Legal Department, Calle Arequipa, 1, 5a pl. – 28043 Madrid
Or by email to:
[email protected]
The Blog and its Services
The existing Blog aims to exchange information on all that related with the activity of GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS: articles, news, opinions, offering generic and sector information of different areas.
General Rules of UseThe Users must access and use the Blog for the purpose for which it has been conceived and in particular, with full respect to the law, ethics, public order and these Terms and Conditions of Use. Specifically, the users thereof undertake to access and use the Blog in compliance with the following premises: The user shall not interfere in the proper functioning of the Blog nor in the use that other users are making of it; nor shall interfere or disrupt the application or functioning of the safety measures implemented on the Blog or the connection to this of other users or networks;
The user shall comply with any standards applicable to the access and use of the Blog, including those that may affect access, processing and transmission of data; The user shall not use the Blog to send unsolicited emails or information or to promote or market, directly or indirectly or via links, products or services of its own or of third parties, whether free or onerously.
The User shall not use the Blog to supersede the identity of a third party or impersonate another, nor shall it use the Blog to insult, defame or slander others or carry out acts of unfair competition or misleading advertising unauthorized by Spanish legislation or these Terms and Conditions of Use.
The user shall not use the Blog to compile information on third parties, in particular personal data.
The user may access, view, download, copy and print the comments, opinions, materials, data, information and in general any other content of the Blog, as well as forward and share these with other individuals, for personal use only, in other words, never for commercial ends. All the copies made of the comments, opinions, materials, data and information contained in the Blog must clearly identify their origin and authorship and maintain the copyright warnings or make reference to the intellectual property rights, industrial property rights or right of any other nature that may be included originally.
The User shall not use, reproduce, modify, distribute or place at the disposal of third parties the comments, opinions, materials, data or information contained in the Blog for commercial ends nor shall it attribute its authorship or this shall not be attributed to a person not entitled thereto. GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS or the legitimate titleholder of the comments, opinions, materials, data or information downloaded, shall continue to hold full ownership thereof, as well as regarding the brands and logos that may appear therein and in the Blog.
Data veracity and update
GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS presumes that the personal data facilitated via the different channels and media are true, that they are supplied directly by the titleholder, that they claim to be who they are, that the data are updated, that the party affected /concerned shall report any modification to their data as soon as it occurs.
Duty of secrecy
The individuals who are involved in the data processing concerning natural persons and who access, directly or indirectly the files, shall at all times observe the secrecy and confidentiality of the personal data that they encounter in the development of their activity. Duty of secrecy constitutes an obligation for GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, the members of its directorial and management boards, the individuals employed and the service providers contracted. It shall also entail an obligation for the suppliers of goods and services and their employees, data controllers and their employees, subcontractors and their employees. The duty of secrecy shall persist after the termination of employment or mercantile relationships established with GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS, responsible for the personal data, as well as after the expiry of employment, mercantile agreements, etc., which bind employees and/or professionals with the data processing controller and suppliers of goods or service providers to GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS.
Data of minors
The services provided by GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS are destined to individuals of full age in accordance with Spanish legislation. GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS assumes that the natural individuals who provide the data using different channels (electronic, web, social networks) meet this criterion.
Recommendation of websites / pages
When GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS recommends or links any website / page, it considers that these are of interest to the user. GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS has no obligation of supervision regarding the websites/pages that it links or recommends. These have been created by legal entities, natural persons or entities without legal personality external to GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS. The latter is not involved in their management, does not finance them, decide on the contents thereof, manage or participate in the services offered by the linked websites / pages. GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS shall delete any link, refraining from recommending the website/page when it has reliable evidence that this and/or the services supplied are illegal or harm the assets or rights of third parties liable for compensation.
Use of cookies
Click herefor information on the use of cookies
Data security
GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS has implemented in its working centres, premises, systems, communication infrastructures, etc., the safety measures required by law. It has also adopted the logical, physical, organisational and contractual measures, which prevent the unauthorised access of third-parties to data, the destruction, modification, reproduction, dissemination, transmission or reuse thereof.
Validity and modification of the privacy policy
The privacy policy established by GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS takes effect from the date of its publication on the corresponding website; the user can file it and/or reproduce it. GRUPO CANTABRIA LABS is authorised to modify its privacy policy, informing the user.